Joining an Accountability Group Could Supercharge Your Success

2023 is off to a great start for Erica, owner of a non-profit consulting firm based in Atlanta. “I’m really excited about our new consulting model,” she says, “we’re already getting a ton of interest from prospective clients.”


While her enthusiasm is palpable, she admits to being a bit worried. “I know I need to stay focused on the right goals so that I can actually realize my vision and plan. All of the day-to-day stuff keeps me focused on working in the business, with not nearly enough time to work on the business. I feel like I need thought partners. I think I could benefit from being around other business owners who are trying to take their businesses to the next level too.”


Erica’s situation is very common among entrepreneurs. Running a business brings a lot of urgent situations that require our attention to our office door. But client service needs, managing employees and the like can keep us fully occupied and distracted without leaving much time for focusing on the things we need to do to scale and grow the business.


For entrepreneurs like Erica, an accountability group can help.


An accountability group is a group of individuals who come together to support each other in achieving their goals. These groups typically work by bringing together etrepreneurs who have similar goals or are working towards similar objectives. The group members meet regularly in person or virtually to discuss their progress, share information and resources, and hold one another accountable for achieving their goals. 


If you have a leadership team working with you at your company, it can be easy to believe that’s enough. It isn’t. It’s essential to collaborate with people who don’t report to you who may hold back when it comes to telling hard truths. It’s also important to collaborate with people who can relate to your journey because they are walking a similar one themselves. 


There are many benefits to being part of an accountability group. Here are some of the key ways one can help you:

  • Achieving Goals: Group members set specific, measurable, and actionable goals for themselves, which they then share with the group. They offer support and hold one another accountable for achieving those goals, following through on commitments, and making progress.
  • Sounding Board: Group members discuss key challenges they are facing, decisions they need to make, and uncertainty about next steps. They receive the benefit of different perspectives, experiences, and expertise as the group strategizes with them to develop solutions.
  • Celebrating successes: The group celebrates the successes and accomplishments of its members and, importantly, learns from their failures.


You're probably limiting the success of your business—and perhaps straining your sanity, too—if you aren’t taking advantage of the benefits of working with an accountability group. A few of the main disadvantages of going it alone include:

  • Lack of accountability: Without accountability partners, it can be easy to procrastinate or become demotivated when you’re trying to achieve big, aggressive goals.
  • Limited perspective: Without the benefit of other like-minded business owners to bounce ideas off of, you may miss out on valuable insights or alternative viewpoints.
  • Increased stress and burnout: Without a support system, you may find yourself without a proper outlet for addressing all of the stress and responsibilities you face in running your business, which can lead to burnout.
  • Limited access to resources and networks: Working alone may limit your access to resources and networks that can help your business grow, such as potential customers, funding, or professional development opportunities.


Every business owner can benefit from working with an accountability group, regardless of the size or stage of their business. Just starting out? An accountability group can be a valuable resource for learning from others who have more experience. Walking the path of solopreneurship? An accountability group can be particularly valuable for staying motivated and gaining new perspectives. Feeling stuck? An accountability group can be a valuable resource for gaining new insights as well as receiving support and encouragement.


An accountability group can be a powerful tool to help you build the business of your dreams. Make 2023 the year that you resolve to find one that’s right for you.